The Amla berry-ayurvedic rejuvenative

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The Amla berry(emblica officinalis)

is the best amongst rejuvenative herbs

according to the Charaka Samhita, the ancient text which

forms the basis of Ayurveda.


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    The amla berry which grows throughout India and the Himalayas has been the foundation of Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine for the last five thousand years. Amla or amalaki, may be the most important substance for dealing with the new stresses posed by modern life such as ubiquitous man made electromagnetic pollution, pesticide and heavy metal accumulation:


        1) Amla, or amalaki, contains the highest source of vitamin C of any natural substance.The Vitamin C found in amla is bound to harmless tannins making it heat stable, so it can be used in baking cookies and breads, without damaging the C content.

        Amla vitamin C is absorbed twelve times more readily than synthetic C

        2)Balances stomach acids, calming mild to moderate hyperacidity(should be taken with food in acid conditions)

        3) Feeds the brain and enhances mental function. Amla encourages coordination between the acquiring, holding onto and recall of information.(sanskrit: dhi,dhriti, and smriti), making it an important dietary supplement for people suffering from Alzheimer's and other memory-loss related disorders.

        Amla improves the intellect, supports the nervous and sensory systems.

        4)Strengthens the liver, by purifying the first two tissues-rasa and rakta(lymph and blood). Amla lowers cholesterol and assists in the elimination of toxins.

        5)Improves absorption of iron and other nutrients

        6)Assists the urinary system by enhancing all 13 agnis(digestive fires)and supporting the vata sub-dosha, apana vata, the downward moving flow of energy in the body

        7) Amla has been used for thousands of years to cleanse and moisturize the skin, providing resistance to bacterial infection

        8) Amla boosts calcium absorption

        9) Amla is renowned as a hair tonic, to prevent graying of hair, to strengthen hair follicles and to enhance hair lustre and beauty.


10) Amla cools the body, making it especially potent as a rasayana or rejuvenative for pitta body types

11) Strengthens the eyes by enhancing Ranjaka pitta, and Alochoka pitta, the two sub-doshas of pitta which relate to vision

12 Immuno- modulator, anti-viral agent

13) Powerful antioxidant, free radical scavenger. University studies have shown a 300 percent increase in antioxidant properties of amla and other ayurvedic herbs over synthetic antioxidants.


14) Increases muscle mass and tone, by enhancing protein metabolism, making it the ideal supplement for athletes.

15) Flushes toxins, removing buildup of chemicals from food and the environment stored in the liver

16) Increases vitality. Amla possesses five out of the six tastes, supports all the doshas, cleanses the micro-channels and the blood

17) Amla strengthens all tissues of the body

18) Amla is known as "the nurse" providing nurturing to the sick and those recovering from injury

19) Amla strengthens the subtle energy fields against the effects of ELECTROMAGNETIC pollution from man made radio waves, TV waves and other sources of EM radiation so prevalent in the modern world.

20) Amla, through strengthening the body's subtle energetic fields, has a balancing and stabilizing effect on the emotions. People who take amla find that their emotional body is less reactive and easier to bring under control

21) Improved stress handling. The vitamin C content of Amla goes straight to the adrenal glands, supporting the function of these critical glands which are the basis of our vital reserves and our ability to deal with difficult life situations, as well asthe key to optimizing mental and physical performance.



