High speed dental drill-weapon of mass destruction?


All dentists have to go to college and complete the dental curriculum, then pass board exams andbecome licensed and registered before they can practice. Basically it’s the same curriculum for all dentists. One would assume all dentists then, would be educated and trained to help everyone inmuch the same way. Yet, in the field, away from the college classroom, tens of thousands of dentists worldwide, work round the clock to undo the damage they believe is being done every day topatients by a similar number of  their colleagues. 

The most obvious example of this  is the toiling of dentists trained at dental colleges, to remove the mercury fillings, placed by other dentists who also went to the same dental colleges. Mercury removal is a very expensive, and traumatic procedure, undertaken by tens of thousands of dental patients every year. For each successful mercury removal, and replacement with usually white plastic fillings, at a cost of sometimes two or three thousand dollars, for a mouthful of mercury filled teeth, another dentist somewhere else is filling a new cavity with a new “silver” mercury filling. 

Mercury removal has become such a relatively commonplace procedure in 2008, that the underlyingrift, or perhaps better described as  “chasm” behind conventional material based reality and energy based understanding, which underlies the situation  is not often fully realized for what it is.  Some dentists, dental organizations and colleges may have the opinion that mercury is a safefilling material. Anyone using biofeedback however, will immediately confirm that mercury as adental filling material creates a stress response. Some of the reasons are physical, some aremore to do with the unseen subtle energies of man and woman, but the only conclusion that can and should be reached is that substances and procedures that create a stress response in the human physical/bio-energetic system should be, absolutely wherever possible, avoided. 

As the mercury rift within the dental profession demonstrates, one can’t expect a dentist one visits toprovide stress response free, bio-resonant procedures. Even if a dentist advertises as‘holistic” there are many other areas of debate, controversy, and lack of awareness of safe substitute procedures, even in the field of so called  “holistic”  or “biologic” dentistry.  


Is any visit to a dentist, holistic, biologic or otherwise, a biologically safe procedure? Not if they are using a dental drill, as their primary method of caries removal, according to  Dr. Richard Hansen, D.M.D., Director of the Center for Advanced Dentistry in Fullerton, California. Dr. Hansen, a world renowned expert in the field of laser dentistry, states that the dental drill is the cause of the  staggering three hundred million annual root canal procedures, and that the dental laser is the solution. "The more treatment you do on a tooth with a dentist’s drill, the more likely that tooth’s nerve is going to die and need a root canal"-Dr. Richard Hansen Many dentists maintain that that dental nerves are not damaged by the dental drill. Dr. Richard Hansen believes otherwise.

In an interview on the following website, http://www.laserteethcleaning.com/library_root_canals.htmDr. Hansen states that: "The whole root of the tooth is composed of about a 70% calcified structure. Within this calcified structure,called dentine are micro-tubules, tiny hollow tubes, that run from the inner chamber, the pulp or nerve chamber of the tooth, through the wall of the tooth to the outside. They have projections within them that come off of the nerve, called odontoblasts. They contract and expand and send messages to the nerve. They tell the nerve if there is a stimulus that is harmful to the tooth. Essentially, they react to pain. This is how drilling is a problem.

The drill grinding the tooth creates a trauma that the odontoblasts, through the tubules, will communicate to the nerve. The nerve produces an inflammatory reaction to it and starts walling itself off. Or more calcified structure is added to the area where the irritant is. The problem is that the tooth starts getting too much swelling within it from this inflammation. The root canal in the tooth is a tight little chamber. The pressure shuts off the lymphatic drainage, so toxins aren't removed. And it shuts off the blood supply necessary to repair the nerve. The extra pressure can start the nerve to degenerate and die. That's why the tooth starts hurting and ends up needing a root canal." 


Dr. Hansen, like many dentists now throughout the world, uses a latest generation dental laser to vaporize decayed tooth structure, and to sterilize portions of a dying nerve, leaving the remaining nerve intact.  40-50% SAVING OF GOOD TOOTH STRUCTURE THROUGH LASER OVER DRILL Dental lasers only remove the decayed part of a tooth, whereas the dental drill always destroys good tooth structure while it drills out decay. The savings of good tooth structure can be up to 40-50%.Such a saving, says Dr. Hansen, translates into keeping one’s teeth for one’s entire life. Other advantages of the laser are often a reduced need for anaesthetics, especially if the decayhas not penetrated into the dentin, and the sterility factor, which precedes any vaporization ofdecay. Dr. Hansen writes that” The drill cannot, absolutely cannot, sterilize. In fact, the drill pushes bacteria deeper into the tooth; a natural sterilization or cauterization of an exposed nerve, which is then sealed off and can heal after the procedure.” 


Root canal procedures are very controversial for a number of reasons(see “root canals” in Posts on this website) As described in Dr. Russell Meinig’s book, root canals are composed of miles of tiny, microscopic tubules, which can house bacteria. Conventional root canal procedures are not able tosterilize the tubules, which act as foci of infection.  The dental laser is used to sterilize the root canal surface, composed of the tiny tubules. The roots of the tooth are cleaned out using burrs, then a laser, with a 1 watt output, on the end of a fibre-optic cable is placed inside the root for one minute. A 532nm, visible green KTP laser isoften the laser of choice for this procedure. Does the laser work effectively and biologically for this purpose? See “root canals” in the Posts section of this website.  


Dental lasers are at this time expensive, costing over a hundred thousand dollars. It also takesa dentist more time to use a laser on a tooth, than a dental drill. Dental offices are often very busy,so more time for a procedure means less patients and less income to the dental practice. Is the dental view that lasers are unnecessary additions to dental practices based on economic profit making incentives rather than patient welfare? Waterlase website has a list of dentists throughout Australia using the  dental laser: http://www.NoNeedleNoDrill.com/Locations.html


According to colour therapy as developed by Peter Mandel, and others, each tooth is connected to an organ meridian energy line. The health of the organ refers back to the health of the related tooth, and vice versa. The dental drill is an example of a friction based technology, which generatesheat, and vibration and sound, which are damaging and non-bio resonant. Teeth are composed of crystalline calcium hydroxy apatite. Placing a dental drill into a crystalline tooth, is liketaking a pneumatic drill to a plate of glass.  According to ancient Indian understanding there are millions of subtle “nadis” or channels, whichexit the teeth, cranial and brain structures, and act as an interface between lower and higher consciousness. A dental laser is using light frequencies vibrating at billions of cycles per second, which is a bio-resonant energy that the subtle channels are healed by. The gross vibration of the dental drill, like other modern friction based technologies, dampens the high vibration of thebody’s subtle energy fields, leading to a weakened energy state, laying the groundwork for disease. 


In ancient vedic Indian science, damage to the bone “dhatu” or tissue of the body, is a cause ofdisturbance to the “manas” or mind channel. How many cases of depression, anxiety,phobias, suicidal tendencies, neuroses, psychoses and other mental and emotional disturbed states are linked to dental procedures and damage to the crystalline bone and tooth structure from the use of the dental drill? 


It should be noted that the dental laser can’t go around corners, and in certain instances,the dental drill may have to be used in a limited context.  


Dentists working on older, very young, or very sensitive people, sometimes use a simple, metal tool, resembling a dental probe, called an "Excavator". In many instances the excavator, in a few seconds Removes decay, preparing a tooth for a filling, without damaging good tooth structure, without pushing
bacteria deeper into the dental tubules, and without the trauma associated with the use of dental drills.

The excavator would not, like the dental laser cauterize the tooth, sterilizing it against bacteria. But the use of the excavator followed by a laser application for sterilization. (lasers for sterilization that don't have to cut through enamel, are much less expensive than hard tissue lasers) may be the least traumatic, and most inexpensive biological dental approach.

If the excavator is not sufficient for the decay, (larger, deeper cavity) and if a hard tissue dental laser is not available, then the low speed dental drill, ideally followed by a soft tissue laser sterilization, would be the next most biological recommendation in preserving teeth and health.

NOTE: "There are two types of dental drills in use, high speed and low speed. This article refers to the high speed dental drill. According to Dr. Rod Whitehead, DDS, the low speed drill does not damage good tooth structure. The low speed drill he says, only vaporizes decayed tooth, unlike the high speed drill, which he says, "rips through everything."

When asked why the low speed drill is not exclusively used as it saves good tooth structure, his reply was that it it takes dentists a lot longer to use the low speed drill. (And for crown preparation, it is not accurate enough).


Copyright: Mark Abriel, 2011